I had typed a pretty decent Blog to post in here, on the run up to the New Year but I seem to have lost it.

I suppose that was to be expected by the fact that my tutorial on this website was last Spring…when the site was created.

You may ask, ‘why haven’t you posted a blog since the site was created?’ and I would have to shrug my shoulders and say ‘Resistance’

The resistance has felt like standing on the wrong side of a locked-door whilst knowing that I alone held the key to unlocking it and receiving all of the wonderful gifts on the other side.

This may resonate with some of you and I hope that you too will find that the key makes it’s way to the keyhole, this year, to bring you all that your heart desires.

My heart desires to be of service, fearlessly and without any thought of possible judgement or conflict.

I have been stubborn and full of pride these past years, thinking that I can do it all, by myself, but advising others to ask for help. Do I think that I am somehow better than everyone else? I guess that I have.

But, no more 馃檪

Today is the first day of a brand new year and I am using the Bach Flower remedy Agrimony, to help me to be fully-authentic with myself and others, thereby risking judgement and conflict.

I have tried to move forward by myself, on my own, solo but the door in front of me has remained locked. My revelation, at the end of the auld year, was that my key is the ability to ask for help.

And so I am asking. I am asking those of you who know me, to help me to spread the word on how I can help others. I am asking those who have yet to know me, to trust that you have found your way in here for a reason.

I am planning to have a Bach consultation…for me…to help me.

Watch this space.

Happy New Year everyone. Wishing us all a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2018
