A Time For Joy




Linsey Denham will lead this workshop and provide a safe space to explore how Joy can become a regular feature in your life.

Through mindfulness, visualizations and reflections, participants will be given gentle encouragement to develop and increase awareness of what may be preventing them from feeling Joyful.

Introducing how Journaling, Gratitude, Affirmations and Bach Flower remedies can all be used to cultivate positive-thinking, Linsey will share how she uses these ‘tools’ to help her on her journey through life. A life that now holds Joy that she once couldn’t imagine was possible to feel …for herself.

Linsey has been practicing daily meditation for several years and leads both adults and children in meditation. She is both a Bach Flower remedy Practitioner and Level 1 trainer and a Reiki master practitioner and teacher.

Linsey hails from Edinburgh but has lived in Ontario, Canada (for the second time) since August 2014. She has been married for twenty-five years and has 3 adult-children.

Cost is $75 payable on booking. (Includes light lunch and refreshments plus a Bach Flower remedy mix, if desired.)

Spaces limited to 10.