The generational sea-saw of trying to find balance

I had a dream last night that made a big impression 😳 In it, my youngest daughter was getting married and I was totally uninvolved in the on-the-day preparations. I didn’t even have an outfit to wear😳 My elder daughter was doing all the helping, as were Ali’s friends...
Grief explored.

Grief explored.

I am no expert on grief but I have experienced it several times, including the loss of both my parents and I believe that it is something worth exploring. My own timeline and experience of grief goes like this: Age eleven, my Papa died. My mum woke us up with the news...
My take on Friendship…for now

My take on Friendship…for now

It has been an adventure to get me into this space to write but I hope that, now that I am here, I will be regularly contributing helpful stuff on this page. Todays blog was sparked by a post I saw on facebook, which got me thinking not only about specific friendships...

Happy New Year 2018

I had typed a pretty decent Blog to post in here, on the run up to the New Year but I seem to have lost it. I suppose that was to be expected by the fact that my tutorial on this website was last Spring…when the site was created. You may ask, ‘why...